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About Me

I am a 33-year resident of Kent who cares deeply about the town and am running for First Selectman on the Democratic ticket for election Nov. 7, 2023. I want to have the honor of serving as your first selectman because Kent deserves to have a top leader who governs in a way that is efficient, productive, transparent and respectful. I believe I am that person. I have the background to serve the residents well. While I’ve never been a politician before, I know the issues very well through my work as a journalist over 25 years during the past 3 decades and I can start right out of the gate. 

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Supporting Kent’s Children

A strong vibrant school is vital for a successful community…

School success equates to a vibrant community. Kent Center School is a gem of a school and I feel incredibly fortunate that my two daughters attended and graduated from KCS. I have the highest praise for the education they received.

A vibrant local school helps the town attract more residents and speaks to the well being of Kent.

MY PLAN: As first selectman, I will partner with KCS Principal Michelle Mott and the Kent Board of Education to ensure an open flow of information between the town and the school. I will have a portion of the monthly newsletter dedicated to school news. Maintaining strong relationships and sharing information will make Kent a stronger town. It will also help inform all of the residents, not just parents, about what is happening at KCS. When the school play or spring concert is being performed, let’s fill the gymnasium with townspeople of all ages.

Working parents need support and Park and Rec’s After School Program provides a vital service of programming and care for school-age children. The town must continue to staff and fund this program. I am in support of developing the ASP Director into a full-time job combined with the camp director position.

In order to facilitate attendance at in-person town meetings, I will work with community partners to ensure that child care options are available for parents who need to have their children cared for in order to attend and vote, whether that is a budget approval or an ordinance change.

It is also important for the town to partner with KCS and the school board on initiatives that encourage growth and increases in enrollment. This could include marketing the town and the development of affordable housing.

Through collaboration and working together, we can seek and find solutions that will make Kent a stronger community overall.