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About Me

I am a 33-year resident of Kent who cares deeply about the town and am running for First Selectman on the Democratic ticket for election Nov. 7, 2023. I want to have the honor of serving as your first selectman because Kent deserves to have a top leader who governs in a way that is efficient, productive, transparent and respectful. I believe I am that person. I have the background to serve the residents well. While I’ve never been a politician before, I know the issues very well through my work as a journalist over 25 years during the past 3 decades and I can start right out of the gate. 

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Lynn is a reporter and a teacher – among many other things. I support her as a candidate for Kent First Selectman.

 I’m going to lean on two quotes that I really care about because I think they describe Lynn Mellis Worthington and I really care about that.

 Steven Covey, whose book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, has said that: “the biggest communication problem is that we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.”

Lynn Worthington has proven her ability to listen, to understand and then to respond.

She has spent decades listening and deciphering meetings, events, and situations in order to clarify their meanings so we, her readers, can better understand and better evaluate events to make appropriate choices.

Marie Curie, a fiercely passionate woman in a time when that wasn’t appreciated noted, “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

 Lynn’s objectives are not based in fear of retaliation or the wish to “pay anybody back.” Her clarity and strength will hold an issue objectively, allowing those on many sides to understand better the situation they may face.

Pam White
Kent, CT

Pam, I am so appreciative of your endorsement of me. Your words ring so true. I love the quotes that you selected and that you have connected to me!

Posted on October 11, 2023